UZIN SC 970 Thermo Low-shrinkage rapid cement

Ternary binder for creation of rapid cementitious screeds in interior areas with a drying time of 7 to 14 days, CT-C30-F5 to CT-C40-F6

  • low-shrinkage and low stress
  • joint-free areas up to 200 m²
  • defined ready for covering, even under unfavourable climatic conditions
  • functional heating after 3 days


Main application area:

  • economical creation of a fast curing and defined ready to covering cement screed with strength class CT-C30-F5 up to CT-C40-F6 according to DIN EN 13 813
*At >10 °C and max. 80% relative humidity, depending on screening line and w/z value.<br>**According to DIN 18 560-1.

paper bag

Pack size

20 kg

Shelf life

min. 6 months

Mixing ratio

1:4 | 1:5 parts per weight

Water / cement value

max. 0,45 | max. 0,55




see "Application table"

Mixing time

2 - 3 minutes

Working time

60 - 120 minutes*

Ready for foot traffic

after approx. 24 hours*

Functional heating

3 days after installation*

Surface tensile strength

after 3 days ≥ 1,2 N/mm²

Ready for covering

after 7 - 14 days*

Shrinkage class

SW1 - low-shrinkage (<0,2 mm/m)**

Minimum application temperature

5 °C at ground level

Article number Article Packsize Shipping unit
177967 UZIN SC 970 Thermo20 kg
Pallet :

Installation systems for screeds, floors and wood flooring

Machinery and special tools for substrate preparation and installation of floor coverings

Complete product range for installation, renovation and maintenance of wood flooring

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